In the context of the event “Patents and Secrets: Technology Transfer in Life Sciences,” organized by ITTBioMed of Edra and DLA Piper with the support of Lendlease, MIND, and T-Factor, the discussion focused on the vital importance of synergies in the biotechnology sector. The presence of key figures made the occasion a significant meeting point for industry players.
Tiziana Mele, Managing Director of Lundbeck Italy, a Danish international pharmaceutical company, brought an international perspective to the debate, illustrating how public-private collaboration is a fundamental element in Denmark and potentially a model to follow in Italy. Lundbeck, a company that has been operating in the field of neuroscience for many years, is distinguished by its exclusive dedication to this branch of medicine. “It’s not easy to conduct research in neuroscience; Lundbeck may be one of the few companies left because it has chosen this as its mission,” Mele continued. “Where other companies have disinvested, Lundbeck has very stubbornly and persistently chosen to continue investing.” Mele highlighted the success of Lundbeck’s drugs and therapeutic options as a direct result of collaborations between the public and private sectors. She then exemplified the potential of synergies with the “Lighthouse” project, a Danish government initiative involving two industry giants, Novo Nordisk and Lundbeck, focused respectively on obesity and mental health. “In Italy, we are somewhat lagging because we often view the private sector not with an appreciation for collaboration but with suspicion,” Mele observed, underscoring the cultural and structural difficulties hindering such initiatives in Italy. Concluding her speech, Mele emphasized the need for a change in mindset towards a more collaborative and integrated vision, to overcome the preconceptions and barriers that hinder innovation in the sector. “We should stop thinking that public, private, university research, and corporate research are in competition. Instead, we need to run together towards a common goal, which is the competitiveness of this country,” she said, encouraging a unified and cooperative approach towards scientific and technological progress.