“Innovation in the new millennium arises from a collaborative culture because it requires the rapid transformation of ...
Biotech, Enea Foundation acquires business unit of Holostem Terapie Avanzate
The Enea Tech and Biomedical Foundation, a private law foundation supervised by Mimit, has formally acquired Holostem, a...
Abrignani (INGM): “Recruiting business developers to bring science to the market”
It is necessary to recruit business developers experienced in scouting academic inventions that bring “science to ...
Assobiotec, Marica Nobile new Director
Marica Nobile appointed as the Director of Assobiotec, the Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology, wit...
Rosenberg and June win the “Lombardia è Ricerca” award and will collaborate with regional institutions
The International Prize “Lombardia è Ricerca” with the theme “Innovative models of care, therapy, and...
ITTBioMed: the platform to enhance innovation and technology transfer
The weight of biotech in the pharmaceutical sciences is growing from 20% of the drugs produced in 2012 will constitute 8...