Planetary Health Festival | Biotechnology Pathways

Planetary Health Festival | Biotechnology Pathways

Biotechnologies for Human and Environmental Health: From Research to Society.


Verona, Gran Guardia
Friday, October 4, 3:00-5:00 PM

“60% of the world’s primary products can be made from biosolutions”

— McKinsey


Biotechnologies offer technological solutions for most of the challenges the planet faces concerning the need for resources for health and the environment.

The event aims to communicate, in an accessible way, the role of biotechnologies in improving the quality of human life, with a particular focus on innovation in pharmaceuticals and health products.

Coordinators: Flavia Guzzo, University of Verona, Department of Biotechnology; 

Giorgio Racagni, University of Milan,


Keynote Speech
  • Science and Planetary Health: What Future for Innovation?

Enrico Giovannini, Co-founder and Scientific Director of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS)


First session:
  • Nature as a source of new therapeutic solutions: biodiversity and plant biotechnologies       Presented by Linda Avesani and Stefano Negri, University of Verona, Department of Biotechnology
  • Pharmacological research in alliance with the environment                                                    Presented by Giovanna Paolone, University of Verona, Department of Diagnostics and Public Health
  • The trade-off between human development and planetary health: an unsolvable problem?        Presented by Elena Sgaravatti, Vice President of Assobiotec – CEO & Founder of PlantaRei Biotech
Second Session:
  • The Future of Work is in Biotechnology 

Led by Eleonora Rizzi, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Manager, PNK Farmaceutici


Massimo Garavaglia, President of the Finance and Treasury Committee, Senate of the Republic



For Info:
Edra S.p.A.

Domenico Mancini