![Health Innovation Global Forum Edra Ittbiomed](https://www.ittbiomed.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2.jpg)
MIND, 9 MAY 2024 – Auditorium Human Technopole – Viale Rita Levi-Montalcini, 1, 20157
The availability of new technologies in the study of biological mechanisms has opened up new perspectives and deepened the understanding of biological processes, a better definition of morbid conditions, a rapid development of advanced diagnostic systems and therapies, a better clinical framework, an increase in the appropriateness of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions with the
prospect of an increase in quality and quantity of life, on the one hand, and a better allocation of resources, on the other.
The initiative boasts the media partnership of Edra, publisher of ITTBIOMED
Here the event’s program
9.30: Welcome Massimiliano Boggetti, President, Alisei
Roberto Foresti, Deputy General Manager, Fiera Milano
Alessandra Gallone, Senator and Advisor, Ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca
09.45: Keynote speech: Transitioning to High Value Health Systems through Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges
Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems, and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab, Harvard University
Access to health data is crucial for the definition of research priorities and care needs, as well as for the assessment of prevention, diagnostics and treatment interventions. Current European
Regulation does not provide the right balance between privacy and access and health data for scientific research purposes. The new European Health Data Space (EHDS) should make the
secondary use of all health data for research, diagnosis, treatment and management of health services a possibility.
- Potential of the use of health data for research
- How to solve existing barriers to access health data today
- The opportunities offered by the new European Health Data Space
Moderator: C. Antonelli, Advisor for Innovation, Research and Development, Fiera Milano
10.30: The Data Protection Authority’s Point of View – Guido Scorza, member of the Italian Data Protection Authority
10.45: The European Health Data Space – Marco Marsella, Director for Digital, EU4Health and Health Systems Modernization, European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).
11.00: Health Data Use in Research: Challenges and Opportunities – Emanuele Di Angelantonio, Head of the Health Data Science Centre at Human Technopole
11.15: Coffee Break
11.45: Round Table – Changes and Challenges in the Age of Health Data: Perspectives and Solutions
The Round Table explores the significant changes that healthcare data access and analytics are bringing to the industry, as well as emerging challenges and best practices to address them.
Naja Hulvej Rod, PhD, Group Leader Complexity and Big Data Group, Department, Public Health Denmark – Angela Kukula, CEO, MedCity, London – Annalisa Mandorino, Secretary General, Cittadinanza Attiva
Developments in diagnostics generate new opportunities for treatment and prevention, but the challenge is to ensure that technological advances can be introduced into clinical practice.
- Advances in integrated diagnostics; use for early screening and diagnosis; impact on treatment efficiency and prevention
- New frontiers in functional imagin
- Use of AI in research and clinical practice: The challenge of new languages
Moderator: Luigi Ripamonti, Editor in Chief, Corriere della Sera, Head of Corriere Salute
12.30: Artificial Intelligence: New language opportunities and challenges – Alessandro Curioni, IBM fellow, Vice President, Europe & Africa and Director, IBM Research Zurich
12.45: Present and Future of Imaging in Integrated Diagnostics – Maria Cristina Messa, Professor of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy, University of Milan Bicocca
13.00: Light lunch
14.15 Round Table: Exploring the Fronters of Diagnostcs
The Round Table provides an opportunity to explore the latest trends, challenges and
perspectives in diagnostic medicine. Bringing together industry experts, healthcare
professionals and leading academics, the panel aims to foster an in-depth discussion on
research, technological innovation and best clinical practices in the context of medical
Luca De Angelis, General Manager for New Enabling Technologies, Ministry of
Enterprises and Made in Italy – Anna Gatti, Professor of Practice in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Director of LIFT Lab, Bocconi University – Kai Simons, Emeritus Director of the Max Planck Instiute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and CEO of Lipotype GmbH in Dresden, Germany – Fabio Teboldi, Head of Global Research & Development, Bracco Imaging – Paola Zaratin, Director of Scientific Research, Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
The sustainability of value-based health systems is the challenge of the future. Demographic,
epidemiological and technological trends demand a system vision and shift in paradigm that focuses
on measuring and evaluating the value of health interventions, programs and technologies in order
to efficiently allocate resources and maximize health output.
- Health Technology Assessment to measure the value of treatments and diagnostic interventions, especially the most innovative ones
- Examples of value-based healthcare approaches
- Investing in prevention to make health systems more efficient and sustainable
Moderator: Luigi Ripamonti, Editor in Chief, Corriere della Sera, Head of Corriere Salute
15.15: Health Technology Assessment: Challenge or Opportunity to Access Technology
Innovation? Rosanna Tarricone, Associate Dean, SDA Bocconi School of Management
15.30: Improve Cardiovascular Prevention – Lorenzo Menican, Director of the Heart Surgical Area, Scientific Director IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan
15.45: Improving Health by Population Analysis – Peter P. Pramstaller, Director of the EURAC Biomedicine Institute
16.00: Round Table – Reflections and Perspectives: The Future of Value-based Healthcare
Industry experts will share their experiences, analyze best practices and approaches
to improve prevention with clinical practice or using population studies, and to account for demographic trends and longevity. Through an in-depth and interactive discussion, the Round Table aims to provide a clear view of the crucial role of value-based healthcare in shaping the future of the healthcare system.
Paolo Fedeli, Corporate Affair Head, Sandoz – Monica Gibellini, Governement Affair, Policy &Patient Engagement Director, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine – Francesca Patarnello, Vice President Market Access Government Affairs, Astra Zeneca – Walter Ricciardi, Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore – Roberta Rondena, Country Value & Access Head, Novartis
17.00: Conclusions and Closure – Paola Testori Coggi Ambassador, Alisei National Life Sciences Technology Cluster